Paris Elementary recently hosted a food drive for the school's backpack program, organized by PES counselor, April Moss. The backpack program is a program that helps to send home sacks of food with some of our students to help feed them over the weekend and holiday breaks. Students were challenged to bring in an "item of the day" to receive tickets to vote for a teacher of their choice. The teacher with the most tickets at the end of the drive got the pleasure of wearing the pumpkin costume on Halloween. Mrs. Alice Wewers was our great Pumpkin on Thursday! PES was able to collect 866 pudding cups, 737 packages of crackers, 1210 fruit snacks, 65 Ramen noodles and 780 pop tarts! Way to go Paris Elementary students and families! #wearepariseagles
PES Backpack Food Drive A Success!
November 1, 2019