Paris Schools is proud to recognize a couple of staff members that are making a difference in the lives of our students daily. Thank you Marvin Garren and Brad Wiggins!
Marvin has been working for the Paris School District since 2006 as the Bus Garage Mechanic and a bus driver. He says he chose this profession because “it’s what he’s always done and is in his blood!” Marvin loves being able to make connections with the students and ensuring their safety to and from school.
Brad has been with the Paris School District as Assistant Bus Garage Mechanic and bus driver for the past 16 years. He says he chose this profession because “after graduating from Tech with my B.S., I considered all the benefits that go along with being a school employee and the time off with my family that the job affords, it’s a good fit. I do the job also for others not myself, ensuring the safety of students as they travel to and from school. Find a need & fill it through Gods will is my motto.”
We appreciate your hard work and dedication beyond words - Marvin and Brad! We are proud to have you on board as positive role models for the students!