Paris School District students competed in the Area 14 Special Olympics Track Meet in Mena on Friday. The following students participated and received medals in their event:
Tristen Evans won Gold in the 100M Walk and Gold in the Standing Long Jump
Darci Phelps won Gold in the 100 M Walk and Bronze in the Tennisball Throw
Aden Strobel won Silver in the 50M Race and Silver in the Softball Throw
Taj Thomas won Gold in the 200M Race and Gold in the Running Long Jump
Gabreal Reed won Silver in the 100M Race and Bronze in the Shot Put.
Katie Campbell won Silver in the 100M Walk and Gold in the Tennisball Throw
Sergio Goodson won Silver in the 50M Race and Silver in the Shot Put
Cody Gist won Gold in the 400M Race and Gold in the Softball throw
Cedric Reese won Gold in the 100M Race and Gold in the Shot Put
Briar Howard won Bronze in the 50M Race and Gold in the Softball Throw
Jayden Lowe won Gold in the 100M Race and Silver in the Softball Throw
Brianna Farrow won Gold in the 100M Race and Silver in the Softball Throw
Dimitri Capo won Gold in the 100M Race and Gold in the Softball Throw
Clay Walker won Silver in the 100M Race and Gold in the Softball Throw
Hunter Roberts won Gold in the 100M Race and Silver in the Softball Throw
Ethan Barnes won Bronze in the 100M Race and Bronze in the Softball Throw
Lilli Greenlee won Silver in the 100M Race and Gold in the Softball Throw
Atley Pettigrew won Bronze in the 100M Race and Bronze in the Softball Throw
Tommy Smith won Bronze in the 100M Race and Bronze in the Softball Throw
Alex Brewer won Silver in the 100M Race and Bronze in the Softball Throw
Laquan Warnsley won Gold in the 100M Race and Silver in the Softball Throw
Hunter Barlow won Silver in the 100M Race and Bronze in the Softball Throw