PMS Library Open House, Sept 14th - everyone is invited!

Paris Schools will not be in session September 4th in observance of Labor Day! Enjoy your long weekend!

Dr. Curtis Varnell of the Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative doing some science demonstrations about color and wavelength in Ms. Daniels' 5th grade science classes.

PMS 5th grade students in Ms. Daniels science classes participated in a sidewalk chalk activity to demonstrate shadow changes as the position of the sun moves throughout the day.

Students at PES created "what I saw" art depicting the Solar Eclipse from Monday.

Jim Kiefer spoke to students in Ms. Daniels 5th grade project-based learning class about Ham Radio, explaining it as amateur radio that brings people, electronics and communication together.

The Home Access Center is live. Login to access your child's schedule, grades, etc. http://hac31.eschoolplus.k12.ar.us
Need parent login? Call 844-963-3243 & the ext for your child's school.

Help us keep our kiddos safe! If you see flashing red lights, do not pass a stopped school bus. Flashing Red! Kids Ahead!

Paris School District will NOT be in session Monday, September 4 in observance of Labor Day - enjoy your day off!

PMS media specialist, Anne Canada, introducing students to the newly renovated library, referring to it as "common ground" for all, while leading students in activities to learn their similarities.

Due to wet course conditions, golf is cancelled for today. A new practice schedule will be posted tomorrow on the PHS morning report.

Thank you to everyone who came to visit during the open house events! We are excited to start a new school year on Monday!

Join us TONIGHT, August 10th for the following Open House events - PMS - 4-6pm, PES - 5-7pm, Pre-k - 5:30-7pm. All parents and students are encouraged to attend!

Paris School District staff getting a CPR and first aid refresher with Wellness Center Coordinator, Carrier Brewton.

Thank you to Harmony Assembly for the welcome back goodies for our staff!

Thank you to the Arvest Bank family for the wonderful Back to School lunch for our staff today!

Thank you to First National Bank & Ameriprise Financial for such a welcoming Back to School Breakfast for our staff on Monday!

2017-18 School Calendar

All shined up & ready to roll on Monday, Aug 14th! To reach the transportation dept with any bus related questions, contact 844-963-3243.

Thank you to the wonderful PES volunteers for making the outdoor patio area so inviting for our little Eagles this school year!