- 1st day packets: I’ll begin tracking people down this week….
- Pep Rally: We will host our first pep rally of the season Thursday, 8/31/23 at 1:30 in the auditorium – the theme for Thursday is NEON!!! Everyone wear your neon clothes!
- Football: Good luck to our football teams – 8/31 7th grade and Jr. High host Mansfield with a 5:30 kick off; 9/1 Sr. High travel to Mansfield to take on the Tigers – 7:00 o’clock kick off
- Volleyball: Good luck to the lady Eagles – 8/28 7th JRB/JRA @ Alma – athletes will dismiss at 2:35 and will leave at 2:45; 8/29 7th/JRB/JRA/V vs. Charleston at home; 8/31 7th/JRA/JV/V @ Hackett athletes will dismiss at 2:15 and leave at 2:25.
- SWAT: Eighth grade will have their first SWAT day this Friday, 9/1/23 – stay tuned for more details!
- Labor Day: Paris School District will not be in session 9/4/23 in observance of Labor Day!
- Early Release: Students will release at 1:20 o’clock p.m. 9/13/23 due to teacher Professional Development.
- Progress Reports: Progress Reports will be distributed in advisory classes 9/15/23.
- “Tale” Gating Literacy Night: Make plans now to attend Middle School family fun night at the PHS football parking lot 9/21/23 5:30 – 7:00 – there will be football, books and FUN!! Free book for each student attending and there will be hot dogs and chips sponsored by Farm Bureau!
- After school tutoring: Beginning 9/25/23, Paris Middle School will offer after school homework help and tutoring every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15 – 4:15. Please contact Ms. Suiter at csuiter@parisschools.org to sign up or to get more information!
- School pictures: Fall pictures will be 10/2/23 (that’s a Monday so set yourself a reminder!) Retakes will be taken 11/1/23.
- A Games: Our first A Games will be Friday, October 13!!! All students play!! Points can be earned for your team EVERY day you are AT school!! Earn bonus points by giving a book talk as well as points earned during the actual competition!!!
- Stay Connected! Are you staying connected with Paris Middle School by social media???? It is easy and convenient to follow us on -
Website: parisschools.org/o/pms
App: Paris School District, AR
Facebook: Paris Middle Schoolhttps://www.facebook.com/Paris...
Instagram: parismiddleschool