- Football: Jr. High host Glen Rose 9/21 (NO 7th GRADE GAME)/ Sr. High travel to Glen Rose 9/22
- Volleyball: Good luck to our Lady Eagles: 9/19 JRA/V @ Greenforest – students dismiss at 1:30; 9/21 JRA/JV/V @ Charleston – students dismiss at 2:25; 9/23 V @ Greenwood.
- Yearbooks: Yearbooks are on SALE!!! Order by 10/20/23 and save $$ plus get FREE icons if you get your book personalized – order forms are available in classrooms, the office or order online at www.jostensyearbooks.com - See Mrs. Hart or Mrs. Johnson for more information!
- GATE: Remember…GT is in room A3 – 5th and 6th GT students meet Tuesday 11:00 – 12:00, Wednesday 2:30 – 3:15 and Thursday 11:00 – 12:00. 7th and 8th grade GT students will meet Wednesdays 1:49 – 2:30.
- Pink-Tober shirts: PJHS Cheerleaders are selling Pink-Tober t-shirts as a fundraiser and in support of breast cancer awareness. Please see Ms. Taylor or any Jr. High Cheerleader to order your shirt – shirts are $20.00 and money is due at the time you order.
- HAC login: I’ve had a few students asking about logging in to check grades – please use this new login http://hac23.esp.k12.ar.us/
- Vape Talk: Ashley Curbow, Prevention Specialist, will be here during Mrs. Robertson’s counseling classes the following dates (you’ll meet in the Science lab, room #11) –had to cancel 7th grade for today, but will reschedule; 9/20 eighth grade; 9/26 fifth grade 9/28 sixth grade.
- “Tale” Gating Literacy Night: Make plans now to attend Middle School family fun night at the PHS football parking lot 9/21/23 5:30 – 7:00 – there will be football, books and FUN!! Free book for each student attending and there will be hot dogs and chips sponsored by Farm Bureau!
- Homecoming: Homecoming is the week of 9/25-9/29 – Middle School will participate in dress up days will be as follows (PLEASE NOTE A COUPLE CHANGES): Monday – Pajama day; Tuesday Country Western Day; Wednesday - USA day; Thursday –Twin Day; Friday – Blue & White day. Have fun but remember dress code applies! 😊
- After school tutoring: Beginning 9/25/23, Paris Middle School will offer after school homework help and tutoring every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15 – 4:15. Please contact Ms. Suiter at csuiter@parisschools.org to sign up or to get more information!
- Frontier Day Pageant: Mt. Magazine Frontier Day Pageant will be 10/7/23 in conjunction with the Frontier Day Celebration. All girls aged 0-19 are invited to participate – Deadline to enter is 9/22/23 – please contact Amy Trusty at 479-438-0747 for more information. Forms are available in the office to sign up.
- School pictures: Fall pictures will be 10/2/23 (that’s a Monday so set yourself a reminder!) Retakes will be taken 11/1/23.
- Field Trip: Due to a change in circumstances, the 6th grade field trip has been canceled – stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
- A Games: Our first A Games will be Friday, October 13!!! All students play!! Points can be earned for your team EVERY day you are AT school!! Earn bonus points by giving a book talk as well as points earned during the actual competition!!!
- 2nd 9 weeks: First nine weeks ends 10/13/23 – your second nine weeks classes will begin 10/16/23 - check them out and make sure you know where you’re going! (Fifth grade will receive a new copy of their schedules from first period teachers)
- Teacher PD: Paris Schools will dismiss at 1:20 on 10/4/23 for Teacher Professional Development.
- Flu Clinic: Paris Schools will host a Flu Clinic 10/16/23 – be on the lookout for the forms which will be handed out soon and due back BEFORE the Flu Clinic.
- Parent Teacher Conferences: Paris Schools will dismiss early (1:20) for Parent Teacher Conferences to be held 10/19/23 from 2:00 – 7:00. Report Cards will be distributed at that time.
- Stay Connected! Are you staying connected with Paris Middle School by social media???? It is easy and convenient to follow us on -
Website: parisschools.org/o/pms
App: Paris School District, AR
Facebook: Paris Middle Schoolhttps://www.facebook.com/Paris...