Football: Good luck to our football teams this week:
Thursday: 7th grade and Jr. High @ Perryville.
Friday: Sr. High vs. Perryville – Homecoming!!
Volleyball: Good luck to our volleyball teams:
10 /7 7th , Jr. JV, JR V vs. Lavaca at home at 4:00;
10/8 7th , Jr. JV, Jr. V, Sr. V vs. Lamar at home (Sr. Night);
10/10 7 th , Jr. V, Sr. JV, Sr. V @ Perryville
10/12 Jr. High District @ Dover.
Hearing/Vision Rescreens: Monday 10/7/24 Nurse Meagan will be doing
rescreens for students who were absent or filed the screening.
Homecoming: Middle School will show their school spirit this week and
participate in Homecoming dress up days!! Here is the plan: Monday 10/7 PJ day;
Tuesday 10/8 Twin day; Wednesday 10/9 USA day; Thursday 10/10 Hat day; Friday
10/11 Blue & White Day!!
Fall Pictures: The new date is (we are told anyway….) October 9, 2024. Please
make sure you bring completed picture day forms with you on picture day to give to
the photographer.
Chess Tournament: The following students will be traveling with Ms. Hudson
to the Greenwood Chess Tournament on Wednesday 10/9. Students will meet in the
Library for breakfast and leave at 8:00 a.m. SHARP!
Basketball: If you are a student ages K-6 and would like to participate in Skills
& Drills here are the dates: 10/9 @ 6:30; 10/14 @ 6:30 and 10/21 @ 6:30. All drills
will be held at PHS gymnasium and the cost is $5.00 per child per session. See Coach
Lakyn Sanders for more information
8th grade SOM: Eighth grade will have School on the Mountain October 15 & 16.
Students will report to school as normal and will be back on campus before the end of
the day.
Early dismissal: Middle School will have early dismissal (1:20 ish) on the
following dates for teacher Professional Development – 11/6/24; 12/4/24.
After school tutoring: After school tutoring is available to our students each
Monday and Wednesday after school in our Library beginning. Tutoring ends at 4:15 -
you’ll need to make prior arrangements for transportation home. LAST day for
tutoring 1 st semester will be 12/11/24.
Fifth grade field trip: Fifth grade will take a field trip to the Library 10/9/24.
ALSO, fifth grade will have a field trip to the Marshal’s Museum in Fort Smith on
11/1/24 – students and teacher will leave at 8:30 and will return before school is out
that day.
Book Fair: Middle School will host a Book Fair 10/14 – 10/17 – bring your
money and be prepared to have a fantastic shopping experience!
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent Teacher Conferences will be held
10/17/24 from 2:00 – 7:00. Please let your folks know they can pick up your report
card and come hear the amazing things we all have to say about you!! (EARLY
dismissal this day @1:20 ish)
No School: Paris Schools will not be in session 10/18/24 – enjoy!!
Flu Clinic: Paris Schools will, in conjunction with the Health Department, host a
Flu Clinic on our campuses 10/21/24. ALL FORMS are due back no later than 10/16!!
Red Ribbon Week: The last week of October is Red Ribbon Week…. raising
awareness and educating about drugs and their damage will be addressed all that
week…there will be activities, speakers and many other things happened all that
HAC login: To check grades – please use this login
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