Interested in becoming a mentor? Contact Denise Maness at Paris Middle School for more information. We would love to get community members connected to students to mentor and influence in a positive way.
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Middle School Yearbooks are on sale NOW! Lowest price this year! $28+tax 4 FREE ICONS when you purchase personalization. Specials through October 29th
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
After School Tutoring: *Starts September 20th *Will be every Monday and Wednesday in the Media Center *3:15-4:15 *Please contact a teacher or the office to sign up weekly
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Ms. Taylor's class has been learning about balanced ecosystems with producers, consumers and decomposers. They also got competitive in the ecosystem card game and excited to name the class pet they are preparing to welcome!
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Taylor Science
Taylor Science
Taylor Science
Taylor Science
7th and JR High Football will be on the road Thursday night at West Fork starting at 5:30. Tickets maybe purchased at the gate and masks are not required but recommended. GO EAGLES!
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Eagles Fans! Photos of Paris junior high football at Magazine are now available on Facebook at Paris Eagles Sports!
over 3 years ago, Jim Best
Paris Jr. High Football at Magazine; 8-17-21
Stay up to date through the Remind app for each grade level at Paris Middle School.
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Welcome Back Students!
over 3 years ago, Jim Best
welcome Back Students !
Remember school starts Monday at PMS for Grades 5th and 8th. On Tuesday- Grades 6th and 7th will come to school. On Wednesday- all grades will report to Paris Middle School. Also masks will be required for students and staff at PMS during the day when social distancing isn't possible. Have a great weekend and looking forward to a great school year.
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
2021 Logan County Fair Cattle Show Sponsored in Part by the Paris High School FFA
over 3 years ago, Jim Best
Paris HIgh School FFA and Logan County Fair Cattle Show
2021 North Logan County Fair Week
over 3 years ago, Jim Best
2021 North Logan County Fair
Welcome Back Faculty and Staff! Thank you for your service during the COVID-19 school year in 2020-21. Have a great school year!
over 3 years ago, Jim Best
PARIS SCHOOL DISTRICT STAGGERED RE-ENTRY Students at Paris Middle School will start out the year based on grade level. 5th and 8th Grades - Monday, August 16 6th and 7th Grades - Tuesday, August 17 All Students Wednesday, August 18 See you then!
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Reminder about Dress Code at Paris Middle School.
over 3 years ago, Trey Prieur
Dress Code
Paris Middle School fall pictures will be September 10 – This year we are using a new company and the process is a little different – you do NOT have to prepay for your pictures and everyone will have their picture made. You will then (after pictures have been processed) receive a proof of your photo. At that point you may order either online, or bring your money to school. Virtual Fall Pictures: All Virtual Students will have their fall pictures taken between the hours of 8:00 and 10:00 prior to all on site students
over 4 years ago, Trey Prieur
Stay up to date by signing up for Remind. Teachers from each grade use Remind to inform parents of things going on.
over 4 years ago, Trey Prieur
REMINDER: ON-SITE STUDENTS: Monday: Grades 5th and 8th are on campus! Tuesday: Grades 6th and 7th are on campus! Wednesday: All grades are on campus! VIRTUAL STUDENTS: Do you need your chromebook? Need a tutorial on how virtual is going to work? Drop by the school for a brief rundown between 8:30-2:00. Virtual students in GRADES 6/7 may come MONDAY. Virtual students in GRADES 5/8 may come TUESDAY.
over 4 years ago, Trey Prieur
Thank you to First National Bank of Paris for providing lunch today for Paris Middle School. The teachers and staff greatly appreciated it!
over 4 years ago, Trey Prieur
CAR RIDERS AT PMS: Car riders will now be PICKED up on the north side of the building using the auditorium doors. We will have them lined up waiting on their ride. If you get here early and park, please back in to make it easier to exit. We will still have car riders dropped off in the morning like normal in the back by the safe room.
over 4 years ago, Trey Prieur
over 4 years ago, Trey Prieur