Congratulations to our March Students of the Month:
Krista Sandoval
Cheemeng Thao
Kane Miller
Jaina Robinson
Malaki Skaggs
Ember Enriquez
Hannah Smith
Shiv Patel
A GAMES at Paris Middle School: Carnival Theme games with Mr Bean's Magic Show! Come to school and enjoy the fun! Concession stand will be open (PMS Fundraiser instead of selling stuff!)
Early Dismissal at 1:20!
Parent Teacher Conferences from 2:00-7:00!!!
Spring Break starts with NO SCHOOL on Friday!
Thank you for making our 2024 Read-a-Thon a success. Your support makes all the difference! Money from our Read-a-Thon will be used to fund student book clubs.
7th/8th graders your day is Wednesday! Atlas Writing Test will begin at 9:00 and all students will report to Paris MS Wednesday morning. DO NOT GO TO THE HIGH SCHOOL. Please make sure you get a good night's rest and make sure you are at school on Wednesday!! See you tomorrow.
6th Graders TUESDAY is your day!! Atlas Writing Test will begin at 9:00 on Tuesday for 6th graders at Paris MS. Please get your child a good night's rest and be ready to go Tuesday morning for the Atlas Writing Test!
5th Grade: Your Writing Atlas Test is Monday! We need you at school, we need you to get a good nights rest and we need you ready to go Monday morning! We will eat breakfast before the testing starts at 9. Let's all be there ready to go!
To celebrate Dr. Seuss' book Oh, the Places You'll Go! Paris Middle School 5th & 6th graders dressed up like their future careers. These are some special young people with bright futures!
Congratulations to these lucky winners of our Blind Date with a Book Challenge! During February PMS students were challenged to read a book they knew nothing about and write a review. This entered them in a drawing for Sonic, Subway, and Casey's General Store gift cards. Back Row: Lucas Hisek, Hadley Turner, Katie Massey, Gio Amaparan, Athena James Front Row: Olivia Stringer, Miley Perkins, Palak Patel, Trena Hamm
Happy Thursday from Paris Middle School. We have a lot of things going on before Spring Break starts next Friday. Please make sure your child is at school for all of the testing and events!
We love having our local police officers visit the MS! We would like to thank Officer Petz, Cooper and Moore stopping by breakfast with our kiddos!
Ashley Kincannon is a state CS Specialist and worked with every grade level on Monday in Mr Jamie Varnell's classes. Students programmed a circuit python with onboard LEDs to be a strobe light. The last class even made it only work when the lights went off using a light sensor.
Read-a-thon continued on Friday! These students were reading during DEAR time with finger flashlights for Flashlight Friday!
We have some ballers at Paris Middle School! Congratulations to the young ladies who won the championship today and proud of our boys for being runners up! Congratulations!
5th Grade Quiz Bowl: Congratulations to the PMS team for a 2nd place finish.
Olivia Stringer and Ainsley Wells were in the top 10 for most questions answered
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month:
8th: Kylie Kimberling/Dylan Parsons
7th: Mollee Loyd/ Hunter Smith
6th: Cici Moore/ Asher Russo
5th: Eden Honea/ Stephan Her
Paris Middle School has been celebrating Dr Seuss and Read Across America Week by dressing up and competing with grades and classes on their reading time! It has been a fun week celebrating reading!
Paris Middle School is hosting a 5th/6th Grade Read-a-Thon Feb. 26-March8. Please consider supporting a reader by going to
Thank you!
We challenged the 7th and 8th graders to a 30 day Expectation Challenge! For 30 days, we focused on Effort, Attendance and Respect.
Effort: no missing assignments
Attendance: Zero unexcused absences and no detentions for tardies
Respect: no more than 1 lunch detention and 0 office referrals
On Friday, we entered the names of those students who met the criteria for one, two or three of these categories and we drew for gift cards!
Winners for 7th grade:
Effort: Josslyn Smith, Emma Tencleve, Ezekiel Kemp
Attendance: Blakelyn McKinney, Kane Miller, Emily Helton
Respect: Tanner Robison, Jasmine Salgado, Abery Hamilton
Winners for 8th grade:
Effort: Kara Massey, Chloe Moore, Riley Floren
Attendance: Aiden Hull, Isaac Lowe, Maddi Howard
Respect: Landyn Kremers, Kylie Kimberling, Rome Campbell
Congratulations to these students and we will roll out our next 30 day expectation challenge soon! If you would like to donate a gift card, please get with Mr Prieur
Dance: Dance through the Decades 2/16/24 in the Middle School gym!! If you
want to bump it up a notch you can DRESS like a decade – 80’s, 90’s, etc. get
creative!!! Tickets ARE on sale for $5.00 and may be bought during 7th period in room
8 (Mrs. Cole’s room) or at the door day of the dance – 5th and 6th grade dance will be
3:30 – 5:00 (they can stay after school if they are attending the dance) and 7th and 8th will dance from 5:30 – 7:00 (no outside dates allowed). Pick up and drop off will be the same procedures as the normal school day.
REMINDER for Thursday: Paris MS will take the Science Atlas Interim Test and 8th grade students will need to report to the MS in the morning. All grades will take this Interim test, in preparation of the State Atlas test coming up this semester.