7th grade & Jr high volleyball @ Charleston last night. Jr High walked way with the Win. Great day to be an EAGLE!!!
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Students in Mrs. Wewers’ RISE class participated in a hieroglyphics writing activity. Students were able to write their names and the names of others after the class discussion of the history of English, and how it came to be.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Mr. Ty Varnell's class testing out Bernoulli's principle for a flight module in ETE (engineering and technology education). https://tinyurl.com/y9rchgce
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
bernoulli's principle
NO SCHOOL on Monday, Sept 3rd in observance of Labor Day
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
7th grade students in Mrs. Hatcher's health class are becoming experts on the body systems. This week, the students were teaching their peers through presentations, completing phase one of their Body System!!
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
body systems
body systems
body systems
body systems
The PMS Green Team is hard at work to promote recycling awareness & implement changes for the middle school. #recycle #makeadifference #GRC
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
green team
NO SCHOOL on Monday, Sept 3rd in observance of Labor Day
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Mrs. Pope’s 5th grade students have been working on writing 6 word memoirs as a beginning of the year activity. They were challenged to write their story using only 6 words. Today students shared their story with the rest of the class.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Pope literacy activity
Fifth grade students in Mrs. Theresa Taylor's science classes learning about the effects of pollution in the environment through a dilution lab.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
pollution lab
pollution lab
pollution lab
pollution lab
Michaela Knoles with Infinity Salon is offering free haircuts to Paris Middle School students Tuesday, Aug 28 at PMS. If anyone is interested, please contact Andrea Robertson at 844-963-3243 ext 2094. You must have a voucher form & parent signature in advance to get the haircut!
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
NO SCHOOL on Monday, Sept 3rd in observance of Labor Day
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Upcoming - September 5 PMS will have Hearing/Vision screenings for sixth and eighth grade students. September 11 & 12 PES will have H/V screenings.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Michaela Knoles with Infinity Salon is offering free haircuts to Paris Middle School students Tuesday, Aug 28 at PMS. If anyone is interested, please contact Andrea Robertson at 844-963-3243 ext 2094. You must have a voucher form & parent signature in advance to get the haircut!
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Michaela Knoles with Infinity Salon is offering free haircuts to Paris Middle School students Tuesday, Aug 28 at PMS. If anyone is interested, please contact Andrea Robertson at 844-963-3243 ext 2094. You must have a voucher form & parent signature in advance to get the haircut!
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
6th gr students in Mrs. Savanna Wewers' literacy classes recently practiced reading various pieces of literature to decipher each passage's genre. This exercise will assist them in their responses to independent reading in the future.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
6th gr
6th gr
6th gr
Jr high cheerleaders are selling ads for the jr high football program. A full page is $75, a half page is $45 and a quarter page is $25. Contact any jr high cheerleader or Tonya Johnson at 844-963-3242 ext. 2019 to purchase.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
7th grade students in Mr. Levi Norris' Pre-AP Literacy class were asked to bring 5 items to class to help describe their likes as a "get to know me" exercise today.
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Welcome back students, staff and parents! We are excited to get started with another great year at Paris Schools! Check out this message from Superintendent Dr. Fawcett for some important updates - https://www.facebook.com/parisschools.org/videos/1815892708492612/
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
Today, each student in Mrs. Wewers’ 6th grade literacy classes received a book to KEEP. The books were personalized with inspiring messages for the new school year, donated from people in the community. Students were so excited to get a new book on the first day!
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools
free books
Welcome back Eagles! We are so excited to have all these smiling faces back for another great year at PSD! Check out our 1st day album on Facebook throughout the day for some candid moments! https://www.facebook.com/pg/parisschools.org/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1131776413662658
over 6 years ago, Paris Schools