• Congrats! Great job by our Chess team members yesterday!! Kyler Cameron and Olivia Stringer both earned second place individual medals in the 2023 Guy Fenter Co-Op Tournament in greenwood!! In order to receive a 2nd place medal they had to win 4 out of 5 total matches!! Proud of you all!!
MENTORING can help youth as they go through challenging life experiences, including dealing with stress at school, home, and through relationships with peers. Close, healthy, supportive relationships between mentors and mentees that last for a significant portion of time are central to success.
The Middle School Years are JUST PLAIN HARD. However, these years are also filled with important social and emotional learning and growth as kids begin to explore their identity, lear about friendship and how to navigate more complex social dynamics.
The Paris Middle School MENTORING program is back and will be starting up in January. COVID helped shut this program done by we are excited to open it back up and the need is REAL!
If you would like to be considered for becoming a mentor, please email Trey Prieur at tprieur@parisschools.org for more information.
The commitment our community provides to our schools is vital and we appreciate each and everyone of you for investing in our future!
Enjoy your weekend and we will see you Monday! 18 School Days start Monday before we enter the Christmas Break and we have activities, semester test, and A Games planned. More details to follow but here is a glimpse of activities planned! See everyone Monday morning!
Happy Thanksgiving from Paris Middle School. Here is a look back at some of our turkeys over the years!
A GAMES: Friday, November 17th at PMS. First period will be normal then the games will start at 9:15! Reminder the concession stand will be open!
Veterans Day: November 9, 2023, Paris Middle School will host a Veteran's
Day program in correlation with the City's Veteran's Day Activities. During the
program, we will show a slideshow with pictures from students and their veterans in
their families. If you would like to contribute a picture, please email the picture
to vday@parisschools.org. Please include student name and veteran name with their
Congratulations to our October Student's of the Month at Paris Middle School!
5th grade: Carsyn Farnam ,Kyler Contreras
6th Grade: Remy Varnell, Brayson Reed
7th Grade: Adalyn Trusty , Hoyt Turner (not pictured)
8th Grade: Cheyenne Quijada, Aiden Hull
Paris Middle Students (and Staff) will be allowed to wear costumes for Tuesday, October 31st for Halloween! Students (and staff) must have school appropriate costumes. Also no masks, blood, face paint, inflatable costumes, or costume accessories.
RED RIBBON WEEK is this week and we have decided to have some fun and include dress up days:
Monday: BBQ Dad vs Soccer Mom
Tuesday: Jersey Day
Wednesday: Red Day
Thursday: Fancy vs Hobo
Friday: Camo Day
Enjoy the fun with a week long of activities
Yesterday’s Book Fair winners are Clayton Lau, Cici Moore and Jesse Kimberling. Congratulations!
REMINDER: PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES are on Thursday, October 19th from 2:00-7:00. Please drop in to pick up your child's report card and visit with teachers about the 1st 9 weeks! See you then! Everyone who shows up will be entered for a gift card for each grade!
8th grade enjoyed School on the Mountain today and tomorrow. A great time organized by the 8th grade teachers of taking the classroom outside. Special thanks to these teachers from 8th grade: Possage, Varnell, Hart, and Rhinehart, Curtis Varnell, Amy Parker and others who make this event so special.
Two winners from the PMS Book Fair drawing: Kaden Sarten and Hannah Smith
The first A games of the year is in the books! What a fun day and big thanks to Mrs Phillips for her hard work preparing and for the teachers for their work in making this a fun day for our students! Congratulations to todays winners:
8th grade: Sparkly Ostriches
6th: The Airheads
THE BOOK FAIR IS HAPPENING! Reminder we will have the Book Fair open during Parent Teacher Conferences as well!
The Digestive System Activity in Mrs Cole's class is fun...or gross! Just depends on the child but the reactions are always fun to see!
• Student Council: Congratulations to our Student Council members for the 2023-2024 school year: Paisley Hixson, Titus Sory, Marley Kremer, Hynlee Harrison, Prudence Thao, Titus Davis, Gio Amparan, Hoyt Turner, Trena Hamm, Aidan Case, Jose Rodriguez, Janai Moss, Riley Floren, Katie Massey and Kara Massey.
We were excited to announce our September Students of the Month Friday at our assembly.
5th: Blake Barham, Kiara Collins
6th: Cody Yandell, Holly King
7th: Blakelyn McKinney, Ethan Binkley
8th: Dakkota Wyers, Isaac Lowe
Paris Middle School has a lot of things going on in the next few weeks! If you need anymore information, please reach out to us in the office. Also if you aren't receiving the morning report every weekday, let us know and we can email it to you! See you Monday morning for FALL PICTURES!
The BOOK FAIR is coming to Paris Middle School. Mark your calendars for October 13-19 at Paris Middle School Library. The Book Fair will be open during Parent/Teacher Conferences.